When first learning test-driven-development, there are a lot of things about it that seem stupid and arbitrary. After working with it a while, though, you start to see that at least some of the rules make a lot of sense. The phrase most associated with TDD is “red, green, refactor”. Now, when I was first learning about TDD the green and refactor steps made a lot of sense, but why do I need to do the red step? I know the test will fail, because I haven’t written the code yet!
Now I understand, though, so I wanted to share what I learned with future doubters.
You only think you know what the bug is
When fixing bugs in a large project at work, I usually have an exception that occurred in production with details in honeybadger. I usually read the trace from the exception and think through where the problem might be. I then tend to have a very good idea of how to solve the issue.
The only way I know I’m fixing the issue, though, is to write a test that replicates the problem. Frequently I’ll write the test and, by running it, discover that it doesn’t actually cause the same exception I expected it to, or that it doesn’t cause any exception at all! If I wrote the test, changed the code, and then ran the test I’d think that the bug was fixed. By running the test first I verify that I’m fixing the thing I think I am.
The same idea applies to writing new features. If you run your tests first, you can verify that you are getting the error you expect to get. When you write a test like this:
specify { Thing.new.do_thing.should == "doing a thing" }
And your current code is:
class Thing
def do_thing
You run the test to see expected "doing a thing", got nil
. This means that
the rest of your code is working as you expect, and your planned code will make
the test pass. Without running the test, you might write your code, then
discover that you mistyped the method name, or that your method is returning
something unexpected. Until you get the failure you want, you don’t really
understand your code.
I hope that helps explain why the seemingly stupid step of running a test you know will fail is actually helpful.